Everyday Charcuterie

Everyday Charcuterie is effortless and festive and always ends up empty.

Everyday Charcuterie, image @janehugentober

Everyday charcuterie has become one of my favorite go-to appetizers and snacks during busy weekdays when I don't have the time to overthink after-school treats before dinner. I often assemble a simple charcuterie board in advance, making it easy to pull out for pre-dinner snacking. I set it out on the kitchen island, and not only does the board feel festive, but it also encourages healthy snacking for the whole family.

I'm excited to start dedicating blog posts to these everyday charcuterie plates as a way to visually document and inspire. I created this simple one last night. These don’t have to be fancy. Just use what you have available.

What are the rules for charcuterie? There are none! Choose whatever you have available at home. I love how these plates naturally reflect the seasons and the variety of foods we stock at different times of the year.

My biggest tip is to aim for balance. When the food looks appealing, you're more likely to want to eat it. A balanced plate with a variety of foods automatically creates an aesthetic experience, showcasing a pleasing combination of colors and textures. Try mixing proteins like meats, cheeses, and nuts with fruits, vegetables, and grains. For a healthier option, focus on whole grains and keep the skins on organic fruits and vegetables for added fiber.

I hope these charcuterie posts inspire you! The most effortless board like this one here can encourage healthy snacking and keep the craves at bay before dinner. And, platters or plates can be used instead of an actual “board” :) - have fun with it!

Everyday Charcuterie

by Jane Hugentober



Sliced Apples - Abundant in the Fall/Winter months

Dried Figs - Fresh figs just went out of season and so, I’ll use dried.


Cherry Tomatoes

Black Olives

Good Bread - I’ve used a local Sourdough here.

Fresh Mozzarella - Sprinkled with seasalt. My kids love fresh mozzarella so I’ll use this cheese alot.


Combine in little pleasing piles on the plate, making sure everything is accessible and ready for consumption. I like to make the plates look cozy and have the food nestled next to each other. Sometimes, I’ll add some decorative objects not intended for consumption like a spring of fresh herbs like I’ve done on this plate. Get creative!


Tallarines Verdes


Classic Chili